Logo of the activity Classify Cats

Classify Cats

Version 2 License GPLv3+

New in this Version

  • Added screenshots (Sourabha G)
  • Flake8 fixes (Sourabha G)
  • Fixed KeyError (Sourabha G)
  • save and restore high score from Journal (Sourabha G)
  • Feature: Gameover page with highscore (Sourabha G)
  • Altered game flow; 5 puzzles per game (Sourabha G)
  • Feature: score (Sourabha G)
  • Port to Python 3 (Abhay-dot)



* Added screenshots (Sourabha G)
* Flake8 fixes (Sourabha G)
* Fixed KeyError (Sourabha G)
* save and restore high score from Journal (Sourabha G)
* Feature: Gameover page with highscore (Sourabha G)
* Altered game flow; 5 puzzles per game (Sourabha G)
* Feature: score (Sourabha G)
* Port to Python 3 (Abhay-dot)


* Adding help messages (Cristian García)
* Adding 'rows' gamemode (Cristian García)
* Changing icon (Cristian García)
* Adding side message (Cristian García)
* Adding start/stop button (Cristian García)
* Add fill colors (Cristian García)
* Adding files (Cristian García)
* Initial commits (Cristian García)
Source Code