Logo of the activity BlockParty


Version 10 License MIT

Blocks arrangement game

New in this Version

  • Added screenshots (Sourabha G)
  • fixed text merging with background (Sourabha G)



* Added screenshots (Sourabha G)
* fixed text merging with background (Sourabha G)


* Centre activity icon (James Cameron),
* Fit game within canvas (James Cameron),
* Add Sugar toolbar (James Cameron),
* Use Gtk.DrawingArea for game (James Cameron),
* Scale font to Sugar configuration (James Cameron),
* Remove set_title call (James Cameron),
* Remove unused and rename instance variable (James Cameron),
* Remove unused signal callbacks, unused method, imports and prints (James Cameron),
* Fix Syntax Warnings (Jui Pradhan),
* Add Enter Key for replay (Jui Pradhan),
* Change text color to white (Jui Pradhan),
* Remove hardcoded coordinates (Jui Pradhan),
* Port from GObject to GLib (Jui Pradhan),
* Fix text out of screen and instruction (Jui Pradhan),
* Fix missing sound files and port to GStreamer (Srevin Saju),
* Update README (James Cameron),
* Port to python3 (Ayush Nawal),
* Flake8 fixes (James Cameron),
* Port to Gtk+3 (Yash Agrawal, James Cameron),
* Fix license (James Cameron),
* Remove compiled objects (James Cameron)


* Change metadata

Source Code